Saturday, June 17, 2006

Cyclotomic Integers: Terminology

In today's blog, I continue to review results from Harold Edward's Fermat's Last Theorem: A Genetic Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory. I am continuing down the same chapter that I started in an earlier blog. If you would like to start at the beginning of cyclotomic integer properties, start here.

Thereom 1:

Let A and B be divisors. If every cyclotomic integer divisible by A is also divisible by B, then A is divisible by B.


(1) Let p1, p2, ..., pn be the prime integers that are divisible by the prime divisors which divide A.

In other words, the p's are the prime factors of the norm of A. [This is explained later in the section on norms of divisors]

(2) Let A = A1, A2, ..., An be a decomposition of A as a product of divisors Ai such that Ai contains all prime divisors in A which divide pi.

(3) Since a sufficiently high power of p1, p2, ... pn is divisible by A it must, by assumption, be divisible by B.

NOTE: By assumption, we know that ∏ pi is divisible by each prime divisor of A. If we raise this product to a sufficiently high power, then we know that each prime divisor of A will divide at the appropriate multiplicity. Without assuming a sufficiently high power, we cannot assume that this is the case.

(4) This shows that every prime divisor in B divides one of the pi and therefore that B can be decomposed as a product B = B1B2*...*Bn in which Bi contains all prime divisors in B which divide pi

Some of the Bi may be I since it may be possible that that a given pi is not otherwise divisible by any of the divisors of B.

(5) Since the order of the p's is arbitrary, it will suffice to prove that B1 divides A1

We can then make the same argument for each Bi, Ai for pi.

(6) If p1 = λ, then A1 = (α - 1)μ for μ

(7) Then the cyclotomic integer (α - 1)μ(p2p3*...*pn)ν is divisible by A for all sufficiently large ν

(8) Therefore it is also divisible by B for large ν.

(9) This implies because B1 does not divide (p2p3*...*pn)ν at all, that B1 divides the cyclotomic integer (α - 1)μ

Again, since p1 = λ by assumption, we know that the other pi do not.

(10) Therfore B1 divides the divisor of (α - 1)μ, which is A1.

(11) If p1 ≠ λ, let f be the exponent of p1 mod λ and let ψ be a cyclotomic integer made up of periods of length f which is divisible by one of the e = (λ - 1)/f prime divisors of p1 with multiplicity 1 and is not divisible at all by the remaining e-1.

(12) Then one can form a product of conjugates of ψ, call it x, with the property that the divisor of x is A1 times prime divisors which do not divide p1.

(13) Now x(p2p3*...*pn)ν is divisible by A for large ν

(14) Therefore it is divisible by B1.

(15) Since B1 does not divide (p2p3*...*pn)ν at all, it follows that B1 divides the divisor of x.

(16) Since the divisor of x is A1 times a factor that contains none of the prime divisors of p1 (and a fortiori none of the prime divisors of B1) B1 divides A1 as was to be shown.



If A and B are divisors and if the relation g1(α) ≡ g2(α) mod A" is equivalent to "g1(α) ≡ g2(α) mod B" (that is, one relation holds if and only if the other does), then A=B.


This follows form the the Theorem above since if A divides B and B divides A then A = B.



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